Special Events
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Drive In Super Monster-Rama
April Ghoul's
Details will be posted as soon as information is available

April 25 - 26 2025

  • The tickets for this event are currently available. The way the tickets are sold per car, however each person in the car must be included. There is a section to select how many people 13 and over. (EXAMPLE: For Friday evening if you are bringing 2 people in your car then the fee for movies is 2 people x $15.00 = $30.00. There is also a selection box for the number of people camping. If you are both camping again the fee is 2 people x $20.00 = $40.00. The total price of the Friday evening would at this point be $30.00 for movies + $40.00 for camping = $70.00).
  • There will be no refunds offered when tickets are purchased online for this event.  The reasons include misunderstanding of dates, showtimes, inclimate weather, inability to adjust work schedules, misunderstanding of location, or almost any other reason.
  • You will be issued a wrist band that is color coded for the tickets you have purchased when you pay at the ticket booth or when you check in. The gates are open all day for entrance. The ticket booth opening time will be announced. Online tickets can be checked in throughout the day in the snack bar.
  • Breakfast will be served both Saturday and Sunday mornings for campers.
  • The snack bar will be open for lunch around 1pm each afternoon.
  • The Camping Area is the last 3.5 rows in the back of the field. Please do not set up a tent outside of the camping area. We will adjust the size of the camping area if needed.

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